Home » CBSE Class-IX Poetry Syllabus

CBSE Class-IX Poetry Syllabus

In the 2021-22 academic year, the final exam of the English Language and Literature paper for Class-IX will contain several questions from the Literature section. CBSE has decided to ask questions carrying a total of 40 marks from the Literature Textbook, Beehive and Supplementary Reading Text, Moments. It amounts to 50% weightage that is given solely on this section. For further reference, students can refer to the CBSE Class-IX English Language and Literature Syllabus (2021-22).

CBSE Class-IX Poetry Syllabus

Students reading in Class-IX have to read 10 poems from the textbook prescribed by CBSE, Beehive.

  1. The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
  2. Wind by Subramania Bharati
  3. Rain on the Roof by Coates Kinney
  4. The Lake Isle of Innisfree by William Butler Yeats
  5. A Legend of the Northland by Phoebe Cary
  6. No Men Are Foreign by James Kirkup
  7. The Duck and the Kangaroo by Edward Lear
  8. On Killing a Tree by Gieve Patel
  9. The Snake Trying by W. W. E. Ross
  10. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal by William Wordsworth

Here you can find the poem guides all the poems. In each guide, you can find a Summary, Line-by-Line Explanation, Themes, Poetic Devices, and more. With the help of our guides, you can easily build your understanding of a poem easily.

Questions to to asked from Poetry Section


A set of five Multiple Choice Questions to be asked from a poetry extract prescribed in your syllabus. There will be two such sets and students have to opt for only one of them. This section carries a total of 5 marks.


Six Short Answer Type questions are to be asked in the final examination. Three of them will be from Beehive and the rest three from Moments. Students have to attempt two out of three questions. The answer limit is 20-30 words and each question carries 2 marks.

There will be another set of six Short Answer Type questions. Students have to answer four questions, two from Beehive and two from Moments. Each question carries 3 marks and it is to be answered in 40-50 words.


Two Long Answer Type questions will be asked in the examination. Only one out of two is to be answered. The question carries 5 marks. Students have to write the answer within 100-120 words. These questions will be asked from the texts of Beehive.


The poetry MCQs that carry a total of 5 marks are compulsory to answer. If one question from poetry carrying 2 marks and one carrying 3 marks are asked in the examination, it amounts to 5 marks. The same applies to the Long Answer Type question that carries 5 marks. So, students can score a total of 15 marks from the Poetry section, if they prepare this section well.

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