Home » CBSE Class-X Poetry Syllabus

CBSE Class-X Poetry Syllabus

CBSE has given special emphasis on the Literature section in the 2021-22 academic year. In the final exam of Class-X, 50% of questions will be asked from the Literature textbook First Flight and Supplementary Reading Text, Footprints without Feet. It amounts to a total of 40 marks out of 80. For further reference, students can refer to the CBSE Class-XI English Language and Literature Syllabus (2021-22).

CBSE Class-X Poetry Syllabus

In the 2021-22 academic year, students have to read 11 poems from the prescribed textbook First Flight.

  1. Dust of Snow by Robert Frost
  2. Fire and Ice by Robert Frost
  3. A Tiger in the Zoo by Leslie Norris
  4. How to Tell Wild Animals by Carolyn Wells
  5. The Ball Poem by John Berryman
  6. Amanda! by Robin Klein
  7. Animals by Walt Whitman
  8. The Trees by Adrienne Rich
  9. Fog by Carl Sandburg
  10. The Tale of Custard the Dragon by Ogden Nash
  11. For Anne Gregory by William Butler Yeats

Are you thinking about where to find the most comprehensive analyses of all these poems? You can find them here. We create in-depth poem guides in order to help you with your poetry reading journey. Each guide includes a Summary, Line-by-Line Explanation, Themes, Poetic Devices, and more.

Questions to be asked from Poetry Section


The Multiple Choice Questions will be based upon a poetry extract from First Flight. There will be two such extracts out of which one set is to be answered. Each set comprises five MCQs that carry a total of 5 marks.


The final examination poem will contain a set of six Short Answer Type questions. Students have to answer four questions, two from First Flight and two from Footprints without Feet, from this set in 20-30 words. Three of them will be asked from Poetry and Prose in First Flight. These questions carry 2 marks each.

There will be another set of six questions out of which four questions to be answered. Three of them will be from the texts of First Flight. Each question carries 3 marks. Students have to answer it in 40-50 words.


Two Long Answer Type questions will be asked from the textbook. Out of two questions, one is to be answered in around 100-120 words. The question carries 5 marks.


The MCQs section carries 5 marks from Poetry. If there is one SAQ of 2 marks and one of 3 marks from the Poetry section, it amounts to 5 marks. The Long Answer Type question carries 5 marks. So, the questions from the poetry section can carry more or less 15 marks. If students prepare well, they can score good marks in this section.

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