Home » CBSE Class-XII Poetry Syllabus (English Elective)

CBSE Class-XII Poetry Syllabus (English Elective)

For the academic year 2021-22, CBSE has given 27.5% weightage of marks on the Literature section. It amounts to a total of 22 marks from this section.  For the final examination, students who opt for the English Elective course have to focus on all the texts from the prescribed book in order to score good marks in Literature. For further information regarding the syllabus, you can refer to the CBSE Class-XII English Elective Curriculum 2021-22.

Poems from CBSE Class-XII English Elective Syllabus

In the English Elective course of Class-XII, students have to study the following poems from the textbook Kaleidoscope. We have prepared poem guides to help you with your preparation.

  1. A Lecture Upon the Shadow by John Donne
  2. On Time by John Milton
  3. On Shakespear. 1630 by John Milton
  4. The Divine Image by William Blake
  5. The Human Abstract by William Blake
  6. Kubla Khan by S.T. Coleridge
  7. Trees by Emily Dickinson
  8. The Wild Swans of Coole by W.B. Yeats
  9. Time and Time Again by A.K. Ramanujan
  10. Blood by Kamala Das

The in-depth analyses of all the poems prescribed in your syllabus are available here. You can find the summary, analysis, themes, poetic devices, and more on each page. The links are given above in the list.

Questions to be asked from Poetry


There will be a total of 16 questions to be asked from the book Kaleidoscope. Out of all the Multiple Choice Questions 12 questions have to be answered in the final examination. The questions can come from the Short Stories, Poetry, Non-Fiction, and Drama sections. Each question carries 1 mark. A total of 12 marks will be awarded for all the correct answers.


There will be two Short Answer Type questions out of which one has to be answered in 30-40 words. 2 marks will be awarded for the correct answer.

There will be another set of two SAQs out of which one to be answered in 40-50 words. These questions will be framed from either poetry or prose. A total of 3 marks will be awarded for correctly answering the question.


Similarly, two Long Answer Type questions will be asked from Kaleidoscope. Only one question has to be answered within the limit of 120-150 words. The question carries a total of 5 marks.

Total Marks

It can be predicted that students can get a fair number of questions from the poetry section. Somewhere around 8-10 marks can be scored if one studies the poems well.

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